In recent years there has been huge progress with several anti-discrimination and gay rights laws being passed. In 1996 measures forbidding discrimination on the basis of amongst other things sexual orientation were introduced, making Buenos Aires the first Spanish-speaking city in Latin America to do so. In 2002 same sex civil unions were approved in Buenos Aires.
Argentina gay community is very lively and active, specially in Buenos Aires and other big cities along the country. Gay Argentina main Pride Parade is held in Buenos Aires the 1st Saturday of November of each year, to mark the formation of the first-ever gay group in Buenos Aires in 1969.
Clive Sanders website editor of London Gay Times Travel says: "Buenos Aires is probably the most liberal and gay friendly city in Latin America. Here you will find a large and sophisticated gay scene. We were very impressed with Buenos Aires which has a gay scene that we felt compared very favorably to any similar sized city in Europe or North America. There are loads of gay bars, restaurants and clubs, several saunas and even a raunchy sex club. the only down side is that being a Latin country everything is of course really late and most bars don't get started until well after midnight."
"We think the combination of a vibrant scene and a distinct "European" feel will make gay and lesbian visitors comfortable. Recent liberalization in the laws effecting gays and lesbians plus the devaluation of the Peso has prompted a boom in gay tourism particularly from the United States. "
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